Hanmer Springs

Hanmer Springs Weather

Forecast Issued At

3:43 pm 29th March. 2025

Hanmer Springs


Weather Information

A mostly fine day. Sunny periods and high cloud developing, with more extensive cloud cover from evening. Light nor-westerly winds, tending southerly at night (10-20km/hr.) Pleasant autumn conditions for most part.

Today's Forecast


Humidity: .

Wind Gusts: .

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5-day Forecast

Today Mar 29

Partly sunny

High 23°c
Low c

A mostly fine day. Sunny periods and high cloud developing, with more extensive cloud cover from evening. Light nor-westerly winds, tending southerly at night (10-20km/hr.) Pleasant autumn conditions for most part.

Tomorrow Mar 31


High 18°c
Low c

Often cloudy in the morning, with areas of lower and middle level cloud, with long fine periods developing in the afternoon and fine by evening. Light winds through the day, with afternoon nor-east breezes (5-15km/hr.) Modest temperatures.

Tuesday Apr 01


High 17°c
Low 10°c

A cloudy and cooler day. Areas of lower and middle level cloud for most part, with isolated areas of drizzle, or light showers. Late fine breaks possible. Light southerlies in the morning, then late afternoon/evening easterly breezes (10-20km/hr).

Wednesday Apr 02

Partly sunny

High 21°c
Low 11°c

Mostly fine. Sunny spells and high cloud, extensive at times. Northerlies freshening in exposed areas. Nor-westerlies about the hill country. Milder conditions.

Thursday Apr 03

Partly sunny

High 22°c
Low 11°c

Often cloudy, Extensive high cloud for most part, with occasional sunny spells. Northerlies fresh in exposed areas, nor-westerly about the ranges. Milder temperatures and conditions.

Winter in Hanmer Springs

The best place for winter fun.

The best place for winter fun

Visiting Hanmer Spring in winter is a magical experience. Huddle in beneath snow-capped mountains and towering forests. Visit local restaurants for hearty winter-warmers. Settle in front of an open fire. Or relax in a piping hot thermal pool as snow gently falls around you... There couldn't be anything better.

Explore Hanmer Springs in winter

Play and soak in Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools

It’s always a good time of year to relax and soak in Hanmer Springs Hot Pools. Experience near weightlessness as you race down the near-vertical wall of Conical Thrill, plus you’ll make a splash shooting down the flume of the SuperBowl. Rain, shine, or even snow, whatever the weather, you can recline in one of New Zealand’s finest hot pools, bask in the stunning alpine scenery, and simply unwind.

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Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa
42 Amuri Ave
Hanmer Springs, New Zealand

Pools - Phone: +64 3 315 0000 
Spa - Phone: +64 3 315 0029 

Freephone: 0800 442 663

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