PoolsPlus Loyalty Card

Enjoy exclusive discounts, rewards and offers - for free!

Our best friends get all the perks!

If you are a regular visitor and a New Zealand resident, the PoolsPlus Card is a great way to ensure you save money every time you visit.

If you are a regular visitor to the Thermal Pools and Spa and a New Zealand resident, the PoolsPlus Card is a
great way to ensure you save every time you visit.

You'll get exclusive one-off deals and offers and our monthly PoolsPlus email, home to your online discount code. Please note you can have up to 2 adults and up to 3 children (Age 5-15) on just ONE MEMBERSHIP.  

PoolsPlus benefits:

  • Save 20% on the price of single-entry tickets to the thermal pools
  • Enjoy 10% discount on selected treatments at The Spa at Hanmer Springs
  • Save 10% at The Tea Kiosk Cafe and Grill
  • 10% discount on retail items at Reception, The Spa, and at the Information Centre & Giftshop

Not in conjunction with any other offer.

This is our way of saying thank you and showing our appreciation to those who support us most - we are lucky to have so many regular visitors. 

Online Membership:

If you have registered online and activated your account in person, you can login and your discount will automatically be applied. If you are wanting to register as a Pools Plus Member, then please click on the blue button below and follow the instructions.

PoolsPlus Member Prices 

22 outdoor thermal pools & waterslides are included in one great price.

  Price Saving of PoolsPlus
Adult   16yrs + $40.00 $8.00 $32.00

Child   5-15yrs, under 5 are free

$23.00 $4.60 $18.40

Senior   60 years and over

$27.00 $5.40 $21.60

Mini Group  2 adults & up to 3 children aged 5-15yrs

$103.00 $20.60 $82.40


Sign up online: PoolsPlus Membership

PoolsPlus Programme Terms of Trade

Tickets can be used anytime the complex is open and are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

  • Once activated, members can now book online using your PoolsPlus Membership. Your discount will be automatically applied at checkout when you are logged in.
  • Membership means discounted entry on single entry tickets every time you visit.
  • Membership means a discount on selected treatments at The Spa in Hanmer Springs.
  • Members must be regular visitors and New Zealand Residents. Proof of residency may be required.
  • Membership on a single PoolsPlus Card is available for two adults and up to x3 dependent children aged 15 years and under.
  • To activate your PoolsPlus membership, you will be required to visit us in person to have your photo taken for future identification of each nominated card member.
  • You are required to present your card to receive other selected discounts within the complex (Spa & Tea Kiosk).
  • You do not require your card to receive discounted single entry to the Thermal Pools.
  • Only those registered to the card can receive discounted entry to the Thermal Pools. This means you can only purchase entry tickets for the amount of people on your card at any one time, both using your membership online and across counter.
  • Discounted entry is on selected products only.
  • You will receive Special Exclusive Offers by email from time to time.
  • As our communication of PoolsPlus offers will solely be via email, you will be automatically subscribed to our PoolsPlus database. You must remain subscribed to the PoolsPlus database to be eligible for exclusive discounts, rewards and offers.

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Contact Us

Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa
42 Amuri Ave
Hanmer Springs, New Zealand

Email: info@hanmersprings.co.nz
Pools - Phone: +64 3 315 0000 
Spa - Phone: +64 3 315 0029 

Freephone: 0800 442 663

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